The smartest container this planet has even seen...
Smart port infrastructure.
Autonomous shipping.
Innovative partnerships.
42: The answer to life, the universe and everything.

The past
On 3rd May 1966, the 1st container vessel Fairland, moored in the Port of Rotterdam. And it changed our world. A simple, strong, steel box. Easy to load and unload. Easy to transport from ship to truck and vice versa. For more than 50 years its original design has remained unchanged. Until the launch of Container 42. This container will give answers to tomorrow’s questions. It will explore the digital world of shipping like never before.
With Container 42 we honour our past inventors, like James Watt (steam machine), Josef Ressel (ship propeller), Nikola Tesla (remote controlled boat), Malcolm P. Mclean (container), Max Newman
(computer), Keith Tantlinger (twistlook mechanism), Roger Tomlinson (geographical information system), Tim Berners Lee (internet). And we honour our past explorers, like Marco Polo (one of the first explorers to travel the Silk Road, travel around Asia and visit China), Vasco da Gama (the first person who successfully sail from Europe to India), Christopher Columbus (believed he had discovered America), Captain James Cook (known for his exploration of the Pacific Ocean and accurate mapping), Hendrik Hamel (VOC seafarer known for the report of his shipwreck and years of stay in Korea), Henry Hudson (sailed the Atlantic Coast, before discovering what would become the Hudson River in the USA), Zhenge He (explored the world under orders from the emperor of China and established numerous new trade routes along the way).
